Gifting you with confidence.

The Miva backstory


Shabbos morning used to be the most panic-inducing time of my week. I would jump out of bed, dash to the mirror, and assess my makeup. Some weeks I looked decent, but most weeks I looked terrible. Not a hint of blush, a bit of lipstick, or even a smudge of eyeliner. On those Shabbosim, I would cuddle up on the couch with a throw blanket, a magazine, and a container of candy corn. I would convince myself that I that I can’t leave the house.


I started asking around for tips. Instead of ideas, I heard horror stories. The sister of the bar mitzvah boy who woke up Shabbos morning — missing eyeliner on one eye. The kallah who went to her chosson for Shabbos — and slept like a stiff mummy all Friday night. The girl in shidduchim who took one look in the mirror — and skipped socializing for the third week in a row. I knew there was a problem — and I was on a mission to find the solution.


I started researching. I experimented with fabrics, ordered materials, and tested them out. It was miss, miss, miss — until I hit gold.  It was a friction-free pillowcase, made from a luxurious combo of materials. It was soft, elegant, and best of all — it worked! 

Not a minute too soon, the Miva pillowcase was born. 

“It works.”

“I used to dread Shabbos mornings. My makeup would be more off than on, and I felt like I couldn’t leave my house. Someone introduced me to the Miva—and I am forever grateful. I tried it out, and have used it every Shabbos since. It works.”


Monsey, NY 

You can look beautiful on Shabbos morning.